Tuesday, June 8, 2010

There Are Two Kinds Of People Dreamer And None Dreamer- Which One Are You?

I really believe there are two kinds of people in our society.  The dreamers and the none dreamers.  These two people don’t think the same and you will discover why.  They both have the ability to go beyond normal lifestyle but only one is willing to take action for a better future.

Throughout history whether it is few hundred years ago or thousands year ago, there are a small majority of the people who history we still remembered.  Why?  Because they were big thinkers, and innovators that we still admired them even for many more years to come.

These big thinkers who think that life should be a constant exploration on a never ending journey to new ideas and education for goodness of humanity.  On the other hand, majority of people accept life as it is and never go beyond their day to day thinking and struggle in daily hopes.

What make the dreamers and none dreamers different really besides the difference in thinking?
  • Dreamers have a vision.  They have a goal and definite plan to achieve them.
  • They are hard working.  Achieving big dreams is not a lazy man job.  They don’t believe in the easy way out because they believe success isn’t easy as some will make you to believe.  They consistently work on their goals.
  • They love to help others.  Dreamers believe no one ever become successful without first providing services that people need.
  • They are readers.  Dreamers know that in order to help others succeed they must first have knowledge of their profession and know oneself.
  • They never give up.  They know that focusing on the big picture and progressively working toward a predetermined goal is the key to success.

           Well as for the none dreamers, not much I can say about them because they do the opposite of what the dreamers do as listed above.  None dreamers have no drive and don’t know what exactly they want.  They live in false hope.  The hope that some miracle will happen without a plan of action.

This is what Andrew Carnegie said about people who don’t want to take action:  “You cannot push anyone up the ladder of success unless he is willing to climb himself.”  To make it simple, don’t convince anyone to anything who doesn’t want to do it.

In conclusion, I believe the none dreamers and the dreamers can move in the same direction of life if one is willing to have a paradigm shift.  It is all about the difference in thinking and until then we will have always these two kind people in our society.  With determination, dedication and the willingness to change there should be no such two groups at all.  I don’t believe God created any loser at all.  It’s up you who will decide whether you want to win or not.  This article is not a full lesson on self improvement or personal coaching but it will help some people to take action.

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