Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The new amazon 2010

The Importance Of Viral Marketing-Are You Viral Marketing?

The Importance Of Viral Marketing-Are You Viral Marketing?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Home Business Lead Generation Program - What to Look For in Building Your Business

Home Business Lead Generation Program is a very vital component to
your internet marketing efforts and aspirations. We will let you know
based on our experience and other successful marketers what to look
for in searching for the right traffic and lead building system.
First of all, there are a lot of programs out there that promise to
give you leads and traffic but do not deliver on their promise. Be
sure to do your due diligence in your search. Check out the group or
person who owns the program and see what it their success record and
how their members are doing. Their system has to be duplicatable and
caters both to newbies and seasoned marketers.
Here are some of the basic things you need to look for in a good lead
generation program:
- Prove track record of success - Provides value to the industry -
Uses both free and paid advertising training techniques - Uses Web2.0
techniques - Uses Social Networking and Bookmarking tactics - Provide
step by step text, audio and video trainings - Provides a forum for
members to share and get help - Provide up to date internet marketing
strategies based on changing marketing rules and limitations
These are basic components and there are more things that make up a
great system but this should be a good starting point for you.
Choose the best lead generation program for yourself taking into
account your knowledge and resources and be persistent in your efforts
and consistent in your marketing and you will surely be successful.

The ultimate google search

Search google in real time

Custom Search

Saturday, December 5, 2009

What excuses Do You Make For Not Building Your Subscribers List? Haven’t You Heard The Money Is In The List?

Most of the time newbies marketers online don’t understand the importance of building a loyal subscribers list. Is it because most people don’t know how or they think jumping from programs to programs, and promoting bunch of affiliate programs will put them in the position to succeed online? True success online is the result of having a loyal subscribers base.

Finally for those newbies and non techies, instant mlm squeeze pages were created to alleviate the pain of failing online. This system was created to make things as simple as possible my friend. James Randstaff created the system for people that have no idea of what squeeze pages are. He understands the struggle many people new to internet marketing go through with no results. This easy-to-follow system tutorial video shows you how to have qualified prospects in your downline in no time. Now the ordinary person can build a huge list without the technical skills required.

With instant mlm squeeze pages, and its great benefits and features, both the newbies and pro marketers can build a great business online. Many people came online with hope of making it, but instead time and money being wasted. Most successful online marketers will tell you your success online base on three things:
•And sales

This is where instant mlm squeeze pages come in. For some of you who have done the old mlm method of marketing will admit that your upline always tells you to make a list that you can call to present your business opportunity to. You have to do same in your online business, but the difference is you do it on autopilot. This is an automated system that allows you to have the prospect contacting you instead you contacting and convincing them to join your business opportunity.

Doing business on autopilot, you don’t need to cold call or convince friends and family to join your team. Without a list you have no business my friend. It is like having a store but no one comes in to buy. Coming across instant mlm squeeze pages was one of the best things that ever happened to me because I started seen results in less than a week. The system gave me the confident that I too can build loyal subscribers to offer my service to without hindrance. With the easy- to- follow tutorial video you can have your own squeeze in less than 30 minutes. You will learn how to offer values to people and bonuses to people, your subscribers so you will get email addresses and names. He teaches you how to succeed in any mlm business. One of the benefits and magic about instant mlm squeeze pages, it introduces your primary business opportunity to your opt-in list automatically. Focusing on building your list and not someone else will put you the driver seat of online success.

In conclusion, focus on building a loyal list of subscribers and start creating your online empire, and not some else. My friend this is where the big money is. When you do this, you won’t be able to stop your success online. You can see instant results with instant mlm squeeze for your business. My advice is to stop and take a deep breath about while you came online to do business in the first place and create a market that will work for you.

For those interested in building success businesses online and loyal subscribers visit my resource box at email: phone: 612-363-7576 Follow me at

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Are You Living The Rat Race Life? How Can You Find Your Way Out?

For the past years people are talking about the Rat Race. What really is the rat race? Is it the cage that mouse is put in spinning around all day long? The little cage they fight hard to find their way out? Or is it the race so many people face day in day out? Waking up 4am to go to a job that pays little just to cover the bills, or with no financial promise with for the future?

I can tell you the rat race is no different from doing something over and over without way out for a better future. Someone else telling you how live your life, when to go to work, when to go to break, when to go on vacation, how you worth, what kind of house you can buy, how day ca get sick because you are giving day off. This is a though life for so many Americans where you have both parents working two or three jobs, but yet don’t know the bills will be paid.

The scare thing is many people will live this kind of life for the next 30 to 40 years of their lives with a gloom future. I remembered a story about a woman who once said each time she enters her work place is like heavy load on her shoulders. My friend do you feel that way? Are you going do something about it? Doing this for 30 to 40 years is no joke. Do you feel like slave although you put food on the table and get the bills paid?

This article is not to fear anyone, but to face the reality most hard working people face day in day out. The sacrifices they make to make America a better place, but yet get little credits and rewards.
As kinds we had many dreams of doing the impossible, but as we grow older those dreams start to slip away slowly. Why? Are so preoccupied and allow the daily struggle to come in the way of our dreams and goals? Have we for gotten about being ceos of fortune 500 companies, doctors, entrepreneurs, buying the house of your dream and being the president of the U.S.

The consequences of neglecting our dreams

Well, THE RAT RACE is the results of not going what is that we want as adults. I’m going to tell you why. When you don’t have a plan or an agenda, someone else will give you one. You become the employee and you be told what to do with the rest of your life. I don’t think this is what you expected as a kid right? Do you want someone to keep determining your income? This is the direct proportion of the rat race my friend. There is hope to escape the rat race and I will give you some guidelines to do just that. Believe me you can escape the rat race no matter what the economy is or your circumstances are right now!

I know you are thinking but Prince how can I escape the Rat Race when I don’t have a job or money. All it takes is to develop a plan now create a new vision for your life. The following guidelines might help you recreate your child hood dreams.
• Write down what is it you want to achieve in the next two to five years.
• Create a plan of how you going to achieve those goals
• Write down the steps you need to take to achieve your goals
• Now you must network with others in your field and find out what they are doing to be successful in what you want to do.

Despite the recession, there are many opportunities out there my friend. You can seek these opportunities offline and online. I can tell you there are more opportunities out here than you might think. Every second in this country someone start a home base business according to Kristiet home business fact. You can be of those people once you make up your mind for a change. This will require a paradigm shift because coming from being an employee to becoming a business owner is totally different. You don’t have to live your whole life taking order from a boss. Now is the time my friend and let’s go make it happen. Let’s put an end to the RAT RACE.

In conclusion, I believe those childhood dreams of yours are still possible only if you want to revisit them. You know people that when from being homeless to becoming millionaires. Did you see that movie played by Will Smith? The pursuit of happiness is about a man who and his son when from homeless to becoming one of the top dogs on Wall Street? Go see it if you haven’t. It tells you the desire can out weigh the struggle. I would like to challenge you to start doing something you never done before. As the New Year approaches what changes are you going to make? Go take the necessary action and you will see gradual progress in your life. It’s time to become the 5% and not the 95%. Go for your dreams.

For those interested in starting their own business online and take want to take charge of their own destiny visit my resource box and start a new life at Email:
Phone: 612-363-7576

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Nobody should do any shopping without first visiting this website- this is more than social net working

Hello, my name is Prince Samuels. I’m an active internet marketer. Helping people build successful businesses is my goal. Shopping on and offline I know everyone does it. The question is do they get paid, incentives and rewarded for every dollar they spend? I guess no!

The social networking and shopping game will never be the same. Blastoff network has come to the rescue. Blastoff network was created with you in mind. Blastoff is FREE to join. This free membership website is not your ordinary free social networking site. Blastoff network pays you to shop while also building your network with friends and families. Blastoff network pays you ten levels deep of separation exponentially. Not only that you get paid on your shopping, but also get discount on everything you buy from over 300 manufacturers and the biggest names in retailing.

This is more than free social networking my friend. When was the last time your social networking site pays or save you money for shopping and spending your hard earned dollar and when you invited your friends and families? Whether you want cash back on your next vacation hotel, and plane ticket, blastoff network got your back. Big brand names such as target, k-mart, gap and starbucks are part of the blastoff network stores. This system gives you a website you can customize including free games. You don’t want to turn your TV, the blastoff network got you cover as well. Watch all the major news and sports channels as well.

The benefit for being part of the blastoff network is huge. When you invite your friends and families you can create unlimited network, and when they shop or buy anything you get paid, and they can also benefit by saving money on the goods and services they are already using or they can join as free members and can start enjoy the many benefits also. This is the kind of like having a business with the possibility of a long term income. This is the only social networking company, social networking application site that does all this and it’s FREE. In this recession and with the holiday season approaching, blastoff network is your key to making and saving money. No matter what we all shop all the time. The question is do we get paid or any incentives for our hard earned money?

In today’s economy, it seems like everyone wants their money to reward them, I am no exception. The internet is a powerful force that changing the way we shop, interact, do business and communicate with one another and can be part of this force now or get left behind. Think about it. You shop online anything you want and it gets deliver right at your door without leaving your. As for me living in the State of Minnesota, it gets freezing cold my friend and I wouldn’t want to leave my house in a below 30 degrees to go shop. This is straightly in the comfort of your home. Blastoff network will help you do that.

In conclusion, you want a social networking site that combines with shopping, compensation plan, and incentives when you invite your friends and families. Remember this is something that we are all doing already so why not go with the company that is willing to pay you? In our though economy, you want your money to work for you and reward you. Blastoff network is your answer to your quest for a different social media.

You can visit our resource box and start enjoy all that blastoff network has to offer. Join a free social site that reward you, your friends and families visit us at For business opportunity visit us at email: Follow me at

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Affiliate Funnel Is A Different Way Of Thinking When It Comes To Downline Building

Downline building has been around since the beginning of the internet. The offer is very exciting, let people know about your product or service, refer a few folks and presto, you are on your way to massive success. What's the problem with this scenario though?

Simple, downline building isn't as effective as it once was years ago. Sure there are people making lots of money online using their downlines and affiliate marketing strategies but during the past few years a change has been taking place.

It's called the marketing funnel and if you think of the pyramid look of a 'downline', flip it!

Here's how it works. Get as many people as you can into the top of your funnel and funnel them down into paying customers. Start with a free front end product or service and then let your marketing turn those free leads into paying customers and clients.

Affiliate Funnel is a service that does this plus so much more. It is an all in one business hub that shows you how to properly promote online using the best free resources around and channel these leads into a thriving downline. This is the power of a well put together marketing funnel, taking leads and turning them into clients.

Affiliate Funnel is owned by two guys who have build massive six figure businesses using free resources and their own marketing funnel. Paul Kinder and Jon Olson have put their experience in a bottle and packaged it for anyone to check out for free at:

Be sure to check out the Funnel today and start to promote your business the right way using the absolute best tools on the net. The results are there, it's time to grab them...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Great search results on google

Free blog social bookmarking

Thursday, October 29, 2009

History of the Internet-and the Cold War

The internet has changed the world. The impact of the internet can be seen everywhere around the world. In this article you will get a brief history of the internet. History of the internet is something I think people who are involved, especially those online marketers must know. If you want to get with any kind of invention you must know its reason for existence. From the internet, the information age of marketing, sharing of ideas from individual to corporation has emerged. Communication is at a lightning speed is now possible among the population of the world.

Many of us remember the dot com explosion and its crash that took place in the 1990s. Before then the internet can trace its root more 40 years ago. The space race between the Soviet Union and the U.S and creation of the atomic bomb all contributed to the invention of the internet. During the cold war, the U.S military realized its normal communication technologies like the telephone was not safe and could be attacked by the Soviets. The military realized using a central exchange which connects telephones was vulnerable because if the exchange stops working then you can’t make any call.

The military knew a different approach of military communication needed very quick. The military decided to invent network of computers that would carry on communication with each other even after a nuclear attacked called ARPAnet. APARnet was used for computer to send messages to one another. Over the years it grew into a world wide of network of interconnected computers which became known as the internet.
Many people don’t the internet was not invented in the 1990s, but the 1960s at the height of the cold war. You might say some conflict can bring about big changes among mankind. Some people even construed that Al Gore invented the internet known as the information highway. Is that really true? Al Gore was not even in congress when the internet was created in mid 1960. I think the point he was trying to make was, in congress he helped to push the further development of the internet.

In conclusion, the invention of the internet in the 1960s until it became known to the masses in the 1990s, the internet steadily grew its popularity, and became a great tool for government and ordinary people from around the globe. All the internet really about is a network of computers connected to each other by wires and satellites. That is what the world wide web is all about. You can learn more on this topic by doing further research of your own. Take advantage now because the internet is hear to stay.

If you are interested in learn more about the internet and making money on the world wide web visit my resource box at
Phone: 612-363-7576 Follow me at

Friday, September 25, 2009

Goodle adwords lesson

Online marketing profits

Who Is Perry Marshall?- Helping Thousands To Great Success Story Online

For the past few months I’ve been reading about some of Perry Marshall’s online courses. Surprisingly, Perry Marshall sent me his popular and educational cd called guerilla marketing for hi-tech sales people. I highly recommend this cd for those that want to go beyond old fashioned marketing. Many gurus know him as one the giant of the internet marketing community. He had led the industry through marketing strategies that only few can understand. His products and services are used around the world.

Who really is perry Marshall? He is a google adwords teacher. His books on google adwords are some of the most recognized in the online marketing community. Perry Marshall teaches his students on low and free online marketing strategies that send massive traffic to their websites. Perry also offers one on one consulting for those that are serious about their online marketing. How would like to have such an accomplished online teacher on your side?

As a google adwords specialist and google adwords teacher, he will teach you everything you need to know to crack the code to adwords success. Perry Marshall is a great guy who genuinely want his students succeed. Some of his products include Perry Marshall marketing system, Perry Marshall marketing letter, renaissance club, ultra-trafficology, mastermind adwords, personal adwords coaching and guerilla marketing for hi-tech sales people. Also don’t forget to pick his new book the definitive guide to google adwords.

Inclusion, Perry Marshall is truly a great guy who want to see you succeed online. He is an authority on google adwords training, google adwords specialist and a giant in our industry. He is dedicated to help struggling marketers achieve great success online. You will never go wrong with his courses.

To learn more about Perry Marshall courses, and how to start a successful online business visit
email: Follow me at

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Huh? 31.95% DON'T know what a "Squeeze Page" is?

Recently, James Grandstaff revealed something
that I found quite interesting...

If you've been around the IM (internet marketing) scene for awhile, you've most likely heard the term "squeeze page" before, right?

At least that's what I thought.

Well, James surveyed approx. 500 people on his list who are interested in making money online. Many stated they were interested in affiliate marketing, product creation, MLM, etc...

One of the questions was "Do you know what a
"Squeeze Page" is?"

68.05% answered yes and 31.95% answered NO.

To be honest...

I was shocked that 31.95% said no.

What about you?

In light of this shocking survey data I decided to
write this post today to go over the very basics
of what a squeeze page is and why you should
be using them in your business (if you are not

And for those of you who already use them, pay
attention. You will probably learn something too.

Here goes...

A squeeze page which is also known as a "lead
capture page" or "name squeeze page" is a simple
web page with one purpose; to get your visitor
to give you their name and email address so you
can follow-up with them. That's it.

One of the best ways to get someone to opt-in
to your squeeze page is by offering something
of high perceived value such as a mini ecourse
or a highly targeted eBook.

For example, let's say you are promoting a multi-
level marketing business opportunity. The products
are great and you are a raving fan.

Most people would just start promoting the website
the company supplies. I say no. This is a perfect
opportunity to implement the use of a squeeze page and offer something of value first.

That way, you collect the leads, you follow-up with
an introduction of yourself and begin building a
long lasting business relationship.

In sales, what we are really selling is "us" first,
then the product.

You always want to provide value first. Once your
prospects warm up to you, then it's time to ask the
right questions to determine if your product or
business opportunity can help solve their needs.

If you'd like to see a high quality, high converting
squeeze page that James has put together, you
can visit the link below.

It's important to read the "thank you" page on the
other side you can get an idea of how the whole
process works.

Until next time...

Yours in success,


Saturday, August 29, 2009

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

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Friday, August 14, 2009

Which Company Started Network marketing- And Why?

Network marketing or mlm as it is known to many today is a very lucrative industry. Who or which company started network marketing really depends who you talk to or what company you are affiliated with. In 1999, network marketing lifestyles published a chronological history of Amway, the best known name brand in the industry. Most of the network marketing companies in existence today all have imitated Amway’s leadership development, compensation plans, marketing methods and sales plans but it funny how many of these same companies say things that are totally outside of Amway’s core values. Amway is a multi-billion dollar company and debt free while most of others don’t survive their first five years.

The chronology points to Carl Rehnborg as the father of network marketing. As early as 1915, while working in China as a manfacturer’s sale agent, Rehnborg was studying the effects of diets and nutrition on health. Continuing his research when he returned to the United States, in 1934 Rehnborg launched california vitamins which is known today as nutrilite. Nutrilite sells multivitamin and mineral food supplements worldwide today. Rehnborg, his neighbor Dr. Castleberry and Lee Maytinger, a sales manager, added a multi-level compensation plan to the company in 1945, and this was the birth of network marketing.

In 1949, Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel, who went to high school together in Grand Rapids, Michigan, signed up as nutrilite distributors. They became very successful as a team, and in 1958, they realized they could teach others how to build their own businesses as network marketers. Rich and Jay Van Andel decided to establish a major company called the American Way Association. This company today is amway. A true pioneer, a real American success story, and the architect of this industry. With so many Americans not knowing the true values and history of Amway, it had being misunderstood and discredited by her critiques. Amway is located in over 80 countries today according to 2007 statistics. Source: Network marketing is a big force providing financial freedom to countless individual and families world wide.

The annual revenue of in the U.S alone is 30 billions and 800 millions. Distributors in the U.S are 15,100,000. Worldwide annual sales is $110 billions, and distributors are 62, 494, 361 according to: 2007 statistics. How would you like to be part of such a multi billion dollars industry? Do your research and go with your instinct whether you want to create your own financial freedom or not.

In conclusion, network marketing is a great business and a true American success story. Carl Rehnborg of the nutrilite brand, Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel of the amway brand have been in the full front of creating an industry that is known to mankind for creating more millionaires than any other business model ever created. They have helped many to financial freedom doing just that. This is an overview of what network marketing is really about. The success stories continue.

To learn more about network marketing and how you create your path to freedom where no one can control your destiny and your financial future visit my resource box at email: phone: 612- 363-7576. Follow me at:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Google book marks

Add to Google

20 free guaranteed ways to increase traffics to your blog- simlpe methods that will save you lot of money

#1. Yahoo or google search bar

- Search for free classified ads. It will bring up a long list of sites and you should sign up for as many as possible.

#2. Advertise on high traffic sites such as:


#3. Post signs or fliers on bulletin boards at:




-carry-out restaurants

#4. Make fliers and put them in:

-Mailboxes, sounds kind of weird but it works because people will always go to their mailboxes.


-Car windshields, you knew that was coming

#5. Make up low cost business cards leave stacks at doctor offices, restaurants, ledges at atm machine, have friends pass them out

#6. Blog directories such as myblog log, blog catalog, robin good's list of rss directories. Just search google and you will see a long list. They are all free.

#7. Write press releases about your blog

#8. Submit your blog's best post to articles directories

#9. Write controversial post. People like to read post that's different.

#10. Join squidoo and create lenses. At squidoo, everyone's an expert at write something.

#11. Add a wiki to your blog

#12. Link to your blog from other websites and blogs you own

#13. Run a contest

#14. Post frequently

#15. Post fliers in public parks

#16. Use a ping service like

#16. Use trackback

#17. Participate in blog memes

#18. Use technorati and post your contents on there

#19. Write good contents

#20. Join spicy page and post on there

I hope these free methods of building traffic to your blog will help you save lot of money promoting your blog. I wish you success. For those interested in free low cost traffic to build their businesses visit me at email: phone: 612-363-7576

Follow me on

Friday, July 31, 2009

Marketing Solutions 2009

Did You Think All Free Websites Provider Are Created Equal?

Are you frustrated with old- fashioned, outdated long wait to get your website designer that sometimes don’t design your site the way you want? Worse, putting hours and your hard earned dollars just to have a pretty web page, but dead to bring in traffic? Many free website system doesn’t work for new, inexperienced marketers. The reason is that it takes more than just pretty graphics to build a profitable business online. You your struggle is about to be over with webstrats by your side. With webstarts web builder system it is guaranteed to help you succeed online my friend.

The Benefits of webstarts website builder

After I got my free website builder system from webstarts, I was on all three major search engines in just two days. It was unbelievable. This article is written to let you know that you too can have that success by using this system. Not only you go on all three majors search engines, but you will be given coupon for google adword as well. You can’t beat that my friend. Included is also a free traffic strategy to help you save money while also getting free targeted traffic to you new website wow! Live customers support and email support as well. This is what I call good service. The easy to use automated, friendly features will make you a pro guaranteed.

The Features

Westarts has a state of the art features to make things speedy and easy for you. You can register or use your existing domain. Normally this is tedious, or even confusing, but with webstarts it is easy and automatic. You can add text and graphics, drag and drop photos easy as that. Choose any design and template you prefer. By way there are already made designs and templates to choose from. One of the thing I like about webstarts is you get to choose your own customized email. One thing marketers need to remember is that you are more recognize as a true professional online when you have your own email at your domain. Engage with your visitors with eye catching flash animations. Create dazzling slideshows of photos and images up to 360 degrees. You know blogging these days is a must for webmasters to engage with their subscribers. Webstarts provides that too. You can add blog tool, widgets tool, the seo wizard to optimize your website. Google site map support, menu builder adding forms, html control because you don’t have to know html code builder to use this features at all. Your pages on your site will also be protected with a unique password.

In conclusion, these are just few of what webstarts has to provide for those interested in builder a website that kicks. Not just another pretty website but a site that really works. Change your business, change your life.

# # #

If you’d like to learn more about webstatrts and its benefits on this topic or interested in having a customized website that works go to

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

List building made easy

How I Built My First List

Building your name list is very essential to your success online. You hear people say that money is in the list and it definitely is. No one can succeed online without creating a loyal list of people who are already interested in the srvices they offer. This is the key ingredient to all successful online marketers today. strat building your list wealth. Click on the baner to start building your names list now.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The renegade markketing solution

The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing

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The Marketer's Manifesto

The all-in-one web solution Build It! ("SBI!") is the only, all-in-one, site-brainstorming-and-building-and-hosting-and-marketing, step-by-step system of software tools that delivers thriving, profitable business.
The right process, the right tools that remove all the barriers and mysteries, correctly applied at the right time. That is how you grow long-term profits. And that is how SBI! works.

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

This is the easier way I've ever seen to make money online. Guys this is by far the easier way I've ever seen to make money online. All you do is ad links, click links, share links and make money. Less than one hour on this site, I made $14. I'm going to tell my friends and family. Never again be broke.